Generate the unsigned data
Upon successfully establishing a connection between the software wallet and Keystone, the subsequent action involves generating the unsigned transaction data. This data must then be encoded into a QR code, which serves as a secure intermediary for transmitting the transaction details or signing messages.
Let's use an ETH transaction as a example, The following code utilizes the @ethereumjs/tx
library to generate an unsigned transaction. This unsigned transaction's hexadecimal data can subsequently be encoded into the ethSignRequest
. The KeystoneSDK facilitates the encoding of this complete data set. Furthermore, the AnimatedQRCode
React Component can be employed to visually represent this encoded data as a QR Code, thereby enabling efficient and secure data sharing.
import { FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx';
import { Hardfork, Chain, Common } from '@ethereumjs/common';
import KeystoneSDK, {KeystoneEthereumSDK} from "@keystonehq/keystone-sdk";
import {AnimatedQRCode} from "@keystonehq/animated-qr";
// Initialize a Common instance specifying the Ethereum mainnet and the London hardfork.
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.London });
// Define the transaction parameters for an EIP-1559 transaction.
const txParams = {
to: "0x31bA53Ca350975007B27CF43AcB4D9Bc3db2641c", // Recipient address
gasLimit: 35552, // Gas limit for the transaction
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 75853, // Max priority fee per gas
maxFeePerGas: 121212, // Max fee per gas
data: "0x", // Data sent with the transaction
nonce: 1, // Nonce for the transaction
value: 1200000000000000000n, // Transaction value in wei (1.2 ETH)
// Create an EIP-1559 transaction object from the transaction parameters.
const eip1559Tx = FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.fromTxData(txParams, { common });
// Generate the unsigned message from the transaction object.
const unsignedMessage = Buffer.from(eip1559Tx.getMessageToSign(false)).toString("hex");
// Define the Ethereum signing request parameters.
const ethSignRequest = {
requestId: uuid.v4(), // Unique request ID
signData: unsignedMessage, // Unsigned message data
dataType: KeystoneEthereumSDK.DataType.typedTransaction, // Data type indicating a typed transaction
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", // BIP44 path for the transaction
xfp: "F23F9FD2", // Master fingerprint
chainId: 1, // Ethereum mainnet chain ID
origin: "MetaMask" // Origin of the sign request
// React component to generate and display an animated QR code for the Ethereum signing request.
const Ethereum = () => {
const keystoneSDK = new KeystoneSDK();
// Generate the sign request using the Keystone SDK.
const ur = keystoneSDK.eth.generateSignRequest(ethSignRequest);
// Return an AnimatedQRCode component displaying the generated sign request.
return <AnimatedQRCode type={ur.type} cbor={ur.cbor.toString("hex")} />
When dealing with large volumes of unsigned data, a single QR Code image may not be sufficient to encapsulate the entire dataset. To address this limitation, an animated QR Code can be employed.